Some cannot handle facing the fact that their loved one is a sociopath. Others simply don't care, because for the time being anyway, the sociopath is feeding their ego with delicious proclamations of how they are their whole world, they couldn't possibly live without them, and they are the most beautiful creatures on the planet.
Outsiders can see these for what they are, simply ways to control and manipulate the victim, but for whatever reason, the victims shut their eyes, stick their fingers in their ears and sing loudly whenever anyone tries to point out the truth to them. And thus, they remain victims.
Ignorane is NOT bliss. Ignorance is setting oneself up for heartbreak and disaster and allowing oneself to be used and abused.
On the other hand, understanding is recognition, the first step in protecting oneself. Understanding and acknowledging is initially painful, but ultimately freeing. It empowers one to leave the victimhood behind and move on, a stronger person.
"There is no explanation for evil. It must be looked upon as a necessary part of the order of the universe. To ignore it is childish, to bewail it is senseless. " -W. Somereset Maugham
I know that I will not in this life time understand my son's evil ways. I have learned that to ignore it or chalk it up to 'boys will be boys' is foolhardy. I have also learned that to dwell on it or fret about "where we went wrong", allows him to retain power over me.
All those that over the years have chosen to support him are not just his victims, but his accomplices. Someday they may have to answer for their part in the damages he has inflicted upon others. Ignorance is not bliss!
You wouldn't know that by the people that have turned so viciously on us when we have tried to warn them. I will forever be persecuted by him and his kind for calling them on their crap, but even if I should die at his hands, I would not regret taking the brave stand and "outing" him in my efforts to minimize the young lives he tries to destroy. Now if only his harem were brave enough to take their fingers out of their ears...
This documentary film about psychopaths is for you: