Thursday, January 27, 2011

I'd Rather Die Laughing than Crying- Surviving a Sociopath

If the first method of surviving a sociopath is to remember that you are not the crazy one, the second must be humor. 

While there is nothing funny about sociopathy and the scars it leaves on so many, humor can be found in the audacity of it all if you look hard enough.  Laughter is the best medicine and if you can find humor even in the darkest moments of your life, then they won't be all that dark after all.

If you can find a friend that can help you laugh at the bad things that happen, you have found a treasure indeed.  The last thing I want is to call a friend for support and have them get all depressed about it and leave me feeling even more down.  I want them to understand the gravity of the situation, but then to be able to help me see the levity in it also. 

I'll never forget the day that I found myself dusting the chair rail in the big boy's bedroom for the second time that week.  I got curious as to why it was suddenly so dusty and started doing some investigating.  What I found was heartbreaking, but the irony was too much to pass up, so I took pictures and sent them in an email to my most supportive friends.  I titled it:

"I'd Rather Die Laughing than Crying...
and This Weary Mom Needs Someone To Laugh With Her!"

This vinyl lettering hangs in my son’s room  
it stands for
‘Choose the Right’.
The picture below that
‘All I Need to Know I Learned in Primary’.

It contains bits of wisdom like
‘Choose the Right,
I am a Child of God,
Honor your father and mother,
Keep the Commandments
and My Body is a Temple’.

Well, you can’t say we didn’t try
 to teach them right from wrong.
I found myself dusting the chair rail below the picture for the second time in a week though…
 it shouldn’t get that dirty that fast…
hmmm… something is wrong here…
so I lifted the picture off the wall and I found this…

…now we know the latest stashing spot
for contraband. 

Oh, c’mon!
I know it’s terribly sad, but
crying gives me a headache
and makes my eyes
all red and puffy.
The irony couldn’t be greater.
Laugh with me! 
their dad will be ticked enough
 for the all of us!!!

When you are done laughing, please say a prayer for our self-destructive boys and for their parent’s sanity.

Laughter is liberating!  It means that you choose NOT to be a victim of circumstances, giving you a sense of control.

Laughter is uplifting!  It releases those feel-good endorphins giving you a natural high.

Laughter is courage when you are faced with someone out to destroy you and your world.

Find someone who will laugh with you or come here and share and together we'll laugh ourselves well and whole again.

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